Friday, May 21, 2010

Not every day

So earlier today Mark Driscoll tweeted at me regarding my response to his blog. A little surreal, since he's the pastor of thousands, a well known author, international orator, and basically a total bad ass, and I'm a grease spot, but he wasn't TOO condescending, so that was nice. This is a popular argument he makes, and a catchy phrase to distill it, but, it's not a very sound one.

1) Hebrews 11 teaches that Moses was well prepared and trained to be the leader of a people long before he received his call at the burning bush

2) Saying Jesus didn't call any of the Pharisees is actually false. There was one named Nicodemus, another named Joseph, and another named Saul.

3) The entire reason that Stephen and his friends were appointed in ministry was because they were qualified.

4) The basis for calling elders in 1 Timothy 3 requires men who have been trained in godliness.

There's more examples, and there are plenty of examples that support his argument. Nice try, Pastor Mark, but the answer is 'both'.