Monday, June 29, 2009

Habits = Ruts

I've had a few interesting conversations with a friend of mine, and we both agree that we felt more on top of it, more disciplined, more capable of making necessary changes in our lives and of modeling obedience to the Lord when we were in college than afterward. Almost inexplicably so. Like, College life, that was basically on lockdown, we had chosen solid churches, made time for God's word, were involved in ministry, and excelled at our school work, and always had time for a late night Wendy's run or a Saturday pickup game of Ultimate Frisbee.

I feel like there's a number of changes, disciplines, rhythms I would like to establish now, and it is very very difficult, even things I have been consistent at in the past. Why?

Hopefully I will find both the answer and victory this summer. So far, I am faring alright. better than 50%, but there is always so much work to be done on my life.

1 comment:

Dan said...

"...but there is always so much work to be done on my life."
Same thing for me as well... so much to do.