Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Overcomers After Party

People used to really confuse me when they would say heaven sounded boring, but I think I'm beginning to understand what they mean. When we look back at our lives, the things most worth doing are the things of tremendous difficulty. And we typically associate hardship with wrongdoing. As though only things that are unjust or wrong need to be overcome.

I don't think things are going to be easy in heaven, and I don't think we'll instantly know everything. We'll have a new perspective, but, I think we'll still learn in heaven, like Adam learned in the garden before he sinned. I think we'll have hard, satisfying work. No one wants a heaven that's just playing World 1-1 of Mario Bros. over and over again. It's fun, but not forever.

So I guess my new years resolution is to keep doing hard things (There's a book about that for young people, btdubs), cause it's the hard that makes it great. Here comes more seminary, starting ministry at my church, and of course, army stuff. That'll be the hardest, but that's good, right? It's time to overcome. So let's be great in 2010.


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