Wednesday, January 08, 2003

I am a total slacker, but I don't wanna study, so I'll try writing something. I figured out my "philosophy on dating" while I was talking to my friend Sarah, and like most things I do and think, it's different from other people, especially from most girls which is a shame, cause they're the ones I want to date. Anyways, It sounds bad at first, but makes sense, that dating is no big deal, at all, and it shouldn't be so pressurized, like it is...especially at small Christian Schools. Dating isn't marriage, and treating it like it is extremely presumptuous and an error on the part of most people. I think that dating someone who is not your spouse should be extremely innocent and light hearted, and have boundries, not just physical, but relational as well. you should get to know the person as well as you can, but they, well, your just dating, youre not united in spirit. I don't have any applicational data right now, obviously, but the idea seems so easy in my head. Anyways, the reason it shouldn't really matter whether your dating, or just friends, or whatever, is that your still living individual lives and not sharing a life. You are still responsible for your self. All the time i ehar people stressing over "is he the one", "is this what God wants me to do", "Is this the Lord's will". If you're in a right relationship with God, and being obedient, than you have NOTHING to lose. If it's not God's will and your doing your job of obeying God, then you won't commit any sin's that you wouldn't have anyway with or without the relationship, and you will know if it's God's will or not through the course of the relationship, and if your guarding your heart, then even if the other person hurts you, you won't be vulnerable, in theory. This all goes along with my theory of the world, from 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22. Test everything and cleave to what is good. You have nothing to lose if God's spirit dwells within you, and Christians CANNOT stand still.

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